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Dubai project 2014

Project in the United Arab Emirates


From May to July 2014, ALLAINE delivered a large order for screw jack pedestals of 40/60 mm in height for a gigantic construction site in Dubai. This project was carried out in collaboration with the architects and the partner of ALLAINE in Dubai.
The first phase of this project involved a wood terrace with a surface area of 50,000m² supported by screw jack pedestals with a height of 40/60 mm.

This adaptation of ALLAINE’s 40/60 mm high screw jack pedestal was performed to modify the screw head used to receive the terrace slabs in order to leave a space of 42 mm to fit the joist. The tooling and validation tests were produced within the lead time due to ALLAINE’s reactivity and its collaboration with its injection moulders.


A new market in the United Arab Emirates


This new project yet again increases the interest of builders and architects in the quality and simplicity of ALLAINE’s terrace pedestals. In addition, this project marked a new success in the country where the company has continued to distribute its products through local distributors since 2014.

In January 2014, ALLAINE extended the market for its construction products, previously confined to the European and North American markets, to the Middle East. This commercial launch quickly met with success through a partnership with a local distributor and a huge project for a wood terrace.
The company is also scheduled to participate in the PROJECT QUATAR Show to be held from 4 to 7 may 2015 in Doha in Qatar in order to strengthen its presence in a rapidly expanding market.